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Hi, I'm Alastair

If you’re seeing this, you’re either scheduled to guest on the “The AI-Powered Business Leader”, or you are considering being a guest.

On this page, you’ll find answers to all the most “Frequently Asked Questions” about the podcast – and what you’ll need to know as a guest.

The Podcast

The AI-Powered Business Leader - Podcast Cover

As a leader in an expertise-based or professional services business, are you finding it challenging to navigate the integration of AI?

The AI-Powered Business Leader cuts through the hype and delivers actionable strategies for implementing AI in your organisation.

Podcast Guest Frequently Asked Questions

The audience for this podcast are primarily business leaders, executives, and decision-makers within knowledge worker businesses and professional services organizations. They’re looking for practical advice on how to implement AI to solve real business problems, boost productivity, and drive growth.

Our listeners are typically experts in their field and come from a range of industries, including consulting, marketing, finance, legal, and more. They’re looking for insights and strategies to help them implement AI in their organisations, and ideally how to leverage it to gain a competitive edge.

The exact questions will depend on your specific background and expertise.

My goal is to help listeners understand how AI is impacting businesses and to provide actionable strategies for implementation.

I like to start by getting a sense of your experience with AI, asking if you’re more focused on exploring the opportunities or addressing specific challenges.

From there, I’ll ask questions tailored to your area of expertise. We might get into topics like how AI is transforming your operations, AI tools and solutions you use, strategies for overcoming implementation hurdles, and legal or ethical considerations surrounding AI adoption in your industry.

The conversation will also cover how AI is reshaping the value you deliver to clients and its impact on your business model. My goal is to extract practical insights that empower listeners to take their first steps with AI, or improve their existing use of AI.

Expect a highly actionable discussion that equips the audience with a clear understanding of AI’s real-world applications and a roadmap for integrating it effectively into their own organizations.

Around 30-40 minutes.

Some episodes have gone to 50 minutes but that’s rare, typically it’s around 35 mins.

The booking system will reserve 60 minutes on your calendar and I’ll confirm your hard stop before we hit record.

This allows us a few minutes to chat before and afterwards, leeway in case of any technical issues, and still allows you a quick break if you have another call at the top of the hour.

We’ll be recording – and live broadcasting – video.

If you need help with camera recommendations, I have a free podcast equipment guide here (no email opt-in required).

The main podcast episodes are released audio-only, but the full video will go on YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook. We’ll also create some short clips for social promotion!

We’re not NPR, but I do want to make sure the audio is of reasonably good quality to be fair to our listeners.

Here’s a very brief guide:

  • Not so good: internal microphones of any kind (on your laptop, webcam or phone)
  • Good: headset microphone (the $50 Sennheiser SC160 is a good option here)
  • Best: external microphone (a dynamic USB mic like the $100 ATR2100X )

Other resources:

You don’t need special software, just a web browser – preferably Chrome. It’s definitely best to use a laptop or desktop computer.

If you plan to join from a computer, then you don’t need to do anything ahead of time! You’ll simply click the link I send you shortly before our scheduled time, which will take you directly to to join me.

Phones or tablets are not recommended, but if that’s what we need to work with, we’ll make it work!

Please let me know how you’d like to do the call there and we can figure out the details.

I want you to be your authentic self, and if that requires the occasional swear-word, that’s fine by me. (We’ll tag the episode as containing explicit language.)

That said, we aren’t recording an episode of The Wire, and although I do love that classic scene in s01e04, I’d prefer to keep it within reasonable parameters for a friendly business environment.

1,000% yes. That would be a fantasic use of the interview.

We’d really appreciate if you can link to the episode page on our website from wherever you publish the repurposed content, but that’s entirely at your discretion.

Immediately, on YouTube and any other platforms we livestream to.

The audio will go out on our podcast feed in 3-6 weeks typically.

If you have a particular launch or event that you would like your episode to coincide with, let us know in the intake form – we’ll do our best to accommodate!

Following your podcast interview, I like to schedule a follow-up call. It’s an opportunity for us both to explore ways we might help each other further. The aim of this call is to discuss potential collaborations, cross-promotions, or other mutually beneficial opportunities that could add value for both of us and, importantly, for our audiences. I believe in creating win-win situations and this call will help us identify how we can best achieve that together.

That’s super, thank you!

If you’ve been invited to guest: we’ll send you a scheduling link directly, no need to use the application form as we have already checked if it’s a good fit.

If you haven’t been invited, but think that you’d be a good fit, reach out to Alastair on LinkedIn!

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I turn AI tech & strategy into clear, actionable insights. You’ll discover how to leverage AI, how to integrate it strategically to get a competitive edge, automate tedious tasks, and improve business decision-making.

– Alastair.