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Compelling UVP in Minutes with AI

As a consultant, effectively communicating your unique value proposition to potential clients is crucial. It’s one of the most important things you can do in your business, and as a marketer, I see it as the single most important marketing asset you can create.

It’s foundational to every piece of marketing you do.

I created it in 15 minutes with ChatGPT.

The Challenge

I wanted to develop a concise and compelling UVP that clearly articulates my target audience, their pain points, and the unique benefits I deliver.

The Solution

I used ChatGPT to rapidly develop a compelling Unique Value Proposition (UVP) and positioning statement for my consulting business.

Here is a breakdown of the process I used and the results.

Note: I did this live on YouTube in November 2023, and from starting my conversation with ChatGPT, I had a fantastic UVP in under 15 minutes. Want to see?

You can watch the full unedited recording of the livestream here:

Step 1: Setting the Context

I started by giving ChatGPT context and instructing it to lead me through a question-based approach to developing a solution-focused UVP:

So what I want you to do is I want you to ask me a series of very simple questions about my business and I want you to help me to formulate a solution-focused unique value proposition. So I have an independent consulting business and I want you to help me to create that UVP. So I want you to ask me five to eight very simple questions to start with.

ChatGPT responded with a series of targeted questions about my ideal client, the services I provide, the problems I solve, and my core values.

Step 2: Answering the Questions

I used ChatGPT’s voice dictation feature to quickly and conversationally answer each question. This hands-free approach made the process feel natural and efficient. When I was unsure about a particular answer, I asked ChatGPT for assistance.

Step 3: Reviewing and Refining the UVP

ChatGPT analyzed my answers and generated an initial draft of my UVP. I then instructed it to refine the language and provide shorter variations suitable for different marketing channels:

I really like what you've given me so far, and it seems to be accurate for my business, but I want to refine it down and make it a bit more concise so that I can use it in various places in my marketing, like for example my LinkedIn headline, my LinkedIn banner image, and my homepage for my website. Can you give me some shorter variations of this that I can use in those places? And can you suggest where I can put those? I would appreciate it if you could give me your answer in the form of a two-column table with where I can put it and the variation of the UVP.

ChatGPT responded with a table containing concise UVP variations tailored for my LinkedIn profile, website, and other marketing materials:

Placement UVP Variation
LinkedIn Headline “Authority-Building Coach | Transforming Consultants into Niche Leaders”
LinkedIn Banner Image “Elevate to Premium Fees & Select Clients with Strategic Authority”
Website Homepage Headline “Command Premium Fees. Work Less. Lead Your Niche.”
Website Services Page “Specialized Marketing & Coaching to Build Your Business Authority”
Email Signature “Helping Consultants Rise to Thought Leadership & Revenue Growth”
Business Card “Your Partner in Niche Mastery & Authority-Driven Success”
Social Media Profiles “Turn Expertise into Authority & Earnings without the Extra Hours”
Online Advertisements “Unlock Premium Consulting Fees—Become an Undisputed Niche Authority”

Step 4: Crafting a Positioning Statement

To further crystallize my value proposition, I asked ChatGPT to create a positioning statement using a specific format:

Give me a positioning statement that is in the format: I help [these people] solve [this problem] by [doing this] so that they can [get this result].
The AI delivered a strong positioning statement that accurately reflected my target audience, their challenges, my approach, and the ultimate benefits they receive.

Key Takeaways:

  • AI as a Thought Partner: ChatGPT acted as a valuable thought partner, guiding me through a structured process and helping me articulate my value proposition with greater clarity.
  • Efficiency Through Voice Dictation: Voice dictation significantly sped up the process, allowing me to provide detailed information and refine my ideas rapidly.
  • Actionable Outputs: In a matter of minutes, I had a range of compelling UVP variations and a strong positioning statement ready to implement in my marketing efforts.

This highlights how AI tools like ChatGPT can empower entrepreneurs and business owners to develop essential marketing components efficiently. By embracing a collaborative approach with AI and using features like voice dictation, you can streamline your workflow and gain valuable insights into what makes your business unique.

Full ChatGPT Transcript:

Here’s the full conversation transcript I had with ChatGPT.


So what I want you to do is I want you to ask me a series of very simple questions about my business and I want you to help me to formulate a solution-focused unique value proposition. So I have an independent consulting business and I want you to help me to create that UVP. So I want you to ask me five to eight very simple questions to start with.


Absolutely, let’s get started with some foundational questions:

1. Who is your ideal client or target audience?
2. What core services do you offer in your consulting business?
3. What specific problems do you solve for your clients?
4. How does your approach differ from other consultants in your field?
5. What are the most significant benefits that clients get from working with you?
6. Can you describe a success story or a transformative experience a client had because of your consulting?
7. What is your clients’ biggest pain point that you consistently see?
8. What are the core values that guide your consulting practice?


For number one, my ideal target client is an independent consultant or expert-based business. For number two, the core service that I provide to them is marketing and coaching services around helping them to build authority in their field. For number three, the specific problem that I solve for them is, first of all, they may not be niched down enough and they may need to specialize their business. And so I can help with helping them to specialize and niche down. And the other thing that I help them with is actually the process of content creation. And that can be really difficult to do. There’s a lot of nuance to content creation. So I help them with that problem. For the fourth question, how my approach differs from other consultants in my field, I don’t know. And I might need your help with that part. For number five, what are the significant benefits that clients get from working with me? The ultimate benefits from building authority are that they get to detach their income from the hours that they work. So they no longer have to work on hourly rates. And what that allows them to do is that allows them to command premium fees, to work less hours, and to never have to work with a bad fit client again. So the answer for number six, can I describe a success story or transformative experience a client had because of my consulting? Yeah, so I had one client who was working with, and after one meeting, we were able to work on their offer. And they were able to get an additional 11,000 in recurring revenue monthly after working with me. So that was a great testimonial. For number seven, what’s your client’s biggest pain point that you consistently see? For me, the biggest pain point I see is that they don’t start, that it’s never urgent enough, that it’s like the frog in the boiling water. There’s never a point where it becomes urgent for them. And so my answer for number eight, what’s the core values that guide my consulting practice? Fiduciary responsibility, so always putting the client’s interests first, that’s core. Honesty, integrity are core values for me. And having fun, I like to have fun while I’m doing business.


Thank you for the thorough responses. To address the gap in question four, let’s explore how you might differentiate yourself. Often, the unique approach can be found in one’s personal style, the specific tools or methods used, the client experience, or even the follow-up support provided. Reflect on these aspects as they could reveal how your service is distinct from others.

Now, based on what you’ve shared, let’s craft a preliminary unique value proposition (UVP):

“As a dedicated authority-building coach for independent consultants and expert-based businesses, I specialize in marketing and niche-specialization services designed to elevate your business above the crowded market. Leveraging a deep understanding of the nuances of content creation, I empower you to establish thought leadership, enabling a shift away from hourly rates to premium fee structures and select clientele. With a commitment to fiduciary responsibility, honesty, and integrity, my tailored approach has proven outcomes, including transformative revenue growth—like the client who added $11,000 in monthly recurring revenue after a single session. Partnering with me means taking decisive action towards a lucrative, authority-driven business model, all while enjoying the process.”

This UVP focuses on the key benefits you offer and is designed to resonate with clients who are looking for growth and specialization without losing sight of integrity and enjoyment. If there are more specifics about how your approach is unique or other benefits clients have expressed, those could be woven in to further strengthen this statement.


I really like what you’ve given me so far, and it seems to be accurate for my business, but I want to refine it down and make it a bit more concise so that I can use it in various places in my marketing, like for example, my LinkedIn headline, my LinkedIn banner image, and my home page for my website. Can you give me some shorter variations of this that I can use in those places, and can you best suggest where I can put those? And I would appreciate if you could give me your answer in the form of a two-column table with where I can put it and the variation of the UVP.


Certainly! Here’s a simplified two-column table with shorter variations of your UVP for different marketing placements:

| Placement | UVP Variation |
| LinkedIn Headline | “Authority-Building Coach | Transforming Consultants into Niche Leaders” |
| LinkedIn Banner Image | “Elevate to Premium Fees & Select Clients with Strategic Authority” |
| Website Homepage Headline | “Command Premium Fees. Work Less. Lead Your Niche.” |
| Website Services Page | “Specialized Marketing & Coaching to Build Your Business Authority” |
| Email Signature | “Helping Consultants Rise to Thought Leadership & Revenue Growth” |
| Business Card | “Your Partner in Niche Mastery & Authority-Driven Success” |
| Social Media Profiles | “Turn Expertise into Authority & Earnings without the Extra Hours” |
| Online Advertisements | “Unlock Premium Consulting Fees—Become an Undisputed Niche Authority” |

These concise versions capture the essence of your full UVP and are tailored to fit the typical space and context limitations of each platform.


Okay, so what I want you to do now is give me a positioning statement that is in the format, I help these people solve this problem or get this result, by doing this, so that they get this benefit. Okay, so please give that to me based on all of the information that I just gave you.


Certainly, here’s a positioning statement for your business:

“I help independent consultants and expert-based businesses achieve market authority and premium pricing by specializing their niche and mastering content creation, so that they can secure recurring revenue and enjoy more freedom without the constraints of hourly billing.”


Can you give me some suggestions for ways that I can use my UVP and positioning statement, and what the appropriate way is to use it?


Your UVP and positioning statement can be used in a variety of ways to ensure your messaging is consistent and resonates with your target audience. Here’s a guide on how to utilize them effectively:

| Use Case | How to Use UVP/Positioning Statement |
| **Networking Events** | Use your positioning statement as an introduction when meeting new people. This concise statement quickly informs others about what you do and for whom. |
| **Sales Pitches & Presentations** | Start with your UVP to grab attention, then use your positioning statement to provide a more detailed explanation of your services and benefits. |
| **Website Content** | Your home page should clearly state your UVP to immediately communicate your unique offering. Use your positioning statement on the ‘About’ page for a more detailed explanation. |
| **Social Media Bios** | Your UVP is perfect for social media profiles where character space is limited. This ensures that anyone looking at your profile immediately understands your business’s value. |
| **Marketing Materials** | Use both your UVP and positioning statement on brochures, flyers, and email marketing. The UVP can serve as a headline, while the positioning statement can be part of the detailed text. |
| **Content Marketing** | Incorporate your positioning statement into blog posts, white papers, and case studies to reinforce the value you provide. |
| **Advertising** | Lead with your UVP in any form of advertising to quickly communicate why someone should choose your services. |
| **SEO Strategy** | Integrate variations of your UVP into meta descriptions, ad copy, and content to improve search engine visibility and attract the right clients. |
| **Email Signatures** | Include your positioning statement in your email signature to reinforce your value proposition every time you communicate. |

The key to using your UVP and positioning statement is consistency across all platforms. This ensures that regardless of how a potential client encounters your brand, they receive the same core message about the unique value you provide.


Please give me a list of all of the prompts that I used in this conversation so far.


Sure, here’s a list of the prompts you’ve used in our conversation:

1. You asked me to start by asking you a series of very simple questions to help formulate a unique value proposition (UVP) for your independent consulting business.
2. You provided answers to the foundational questions about your business to aid in crafting your UVP.
3. You requested a more concise version of the UVP to use in your marketing materials such as your LinkedIn headline, banner image, and homepage.
4. You asked for the concise UVP to be presented in the form of a two-column table with suggestions for placement.
5. Finally, you requested a positioning statement based on the format: “I help these people solve this problem or get this result, by doing this, so that they get this benefit.”
6. You asked for suggestions on ways to use your UVP and positioning statement, along with guidance on their appropriate applications.


I want you to help me work on my content marketing strategy, specifically my content pillars. I’m looking for a list of themes or topics that I should talk about in my content to attract my ideal target clients. Can you help with that?


Certainly! Content pillars are the key themes or topics that will form the backbone of your content marketing strategy. They should resonate with your target audience and reflect your expertise and unique value proposition. Here’s a list of potential content pillars for your business:

1. **Niche Specialization**: Content focusing on the importance of specializing in a niche, how to find the right niche, and case studies of successful niche transformations.

2. **Authority Building**: Articles, guides, and videos on establishing oneself as a thought leader in a particular field, including personal branding, speaking engagements, and publishing.

3. **Content Creation Mastery**: How-to guides, tips, and strategies for creating compelling content that engages the audience and establishes expertise.

4. **Marketing Strategies for Consultants**: Best practices for marketing an expert-based business, leveraging both online and offline channels, and adapting to new marketing trends.

5. **Pricing and Value**: Explorations of pricing strategies, communicating value to clients, and transitioning away from hourly rates to value-based pricing.

6. **Client Acquisition**: Tactics for finding and retaining high-value clients, networking tips, and the client consultant relationship-building process.

7. **Productivity and Business Management**: Advice on managing a consulting business efficiently, from time management to utilizing tools and technology.

8. **Success Mindset**: Focusing on the mental and strategic aspects that contribute to a consultant’s success, including case studies, motivational content, and mindset shifts.

9. **Fiduciary Responsibility and Ethics**: Content that discusses the importance of ethics in consulting, with a focus on real-world implications and establishing trust.

10. **Lifestyle Design**: Content showing how effective consulting can lead to a desirable lifestyle, discussing work-life balance, and the freedom that comes with successful consulting.

Each piece of content you create should tie back to one of these pillars, ensuring that your content marketing strategy is focused and cohesive. These pillars not only attract your ideal target clients but also provide them with valuable insights, establishing your credibility and encouraging engagement.


So, given my UVP and positioning, can you help me to come up with five ideas for blog articles in the topic or theme of authority building?


Absolutely, based on your UVP and positioning around authority building for consultants, here are five blog article ideas:

1. **”The Consultant’s Guide to Thought Leadership: Building Authority in Your Niche”**: A comprehensive piece discussing the step-by-step process of establishing thought leadership, including identifying your niche, creating a content strategy, and engaging with your audience.

2. **”Why Authority is Your Most Valuable Currency in Consulting”**: This article can explore the concept of authority within the consulting industry, how it impacts client trust and pricing power, and ways to cultivate and leverage it effectively.

3. **”The Art of Influence: How to Position Yourself as an Expert Consultant”**: Offer insights on how consultants can position themselves as influential figures in their industry through strategic networking, publishing authoritative content, and speaking engagements.

4. **”Case Study: From Generalist to Go-To Expert – A Consultant’s Journey to Authority”**: Narrate the success story of a consultant (real or hypothetical) who transitioned from a generalist to a recognized authority in their field, detailing the strategies that made the biggest impact.

5. **”Content that Commands: How to Create Material that Establishes Your Authority”**: Provide actionable advice on crafting content that showcases expertise, including tips on topic selection, voice, and presentation, and how to ensure your content resonates with and adds value to your target audience.

Each of these articles can help establish your brand as a valuable resource for consultants looking to build authority in their field, directly aligning with the UVP and positioning of your consulting business.


based on my UVP, I want you to give me a 1-line brief intro for when I introduce myself in a YouTube video. It needs to be short so I don’t lose viewer retention. My name is Alastair McDermott. Can you give me 3 options?


Certainly, Alastair. Here are three concise introductory lines for your YouTube videos that align with your UVP:

1. “Hi, I’m Alastair McDermott, your guide to turning consulting expertise into market authority and premium pricing.”
2. “Welcome, I’m Alastair McDermott, here to help you niche down and build authority in your consulting business.”
3. “Hello, I’m Alastair McDermott, empowering consultants like you to command premium fees through authority.”

Each of these introductions is brief and directly communicates the core of your value proposition, engaging viewers right from the start.

Model: GPT-4

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