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ChatGPT and AI Tools: A Comprehensive Guide

ChatGPT and AI Tools: A Comprehensive Guide for Content Creation and Business

Alastair McDermott, 11th July 2023

These are  my notes for everyone attending today’s Roscommon LEO workshop on using ChatGPT and other AI tools for content creation. To briefly introduce myself:

I’ve used the tools I demonstrated in today’s workshop to process the recording into a transcript, and turn that transcript into a short guide or manual for you. This is that guide.

I’d be delighted to answer your questions – when you registered you received an email from me, just hit reply and ask any questions you have, I’d love to help!

1. Understanding ChatGPT and AI Tools

Let me start by explaining what ChatGPT is. It’s a powerful artificial intelligence tool that can assist with various tasks related to content creation and business strategy. It’s part of a family of AI models developed by  OpenAI. It’s the standard bearer right now (July 2023) but a competitor, Claude 3 from a company called Anthropic is neck-and-neck.

Here are the key points you need to know:

  • ChatGPT is a type of AI called a language model, and it’s trained on a vast amount of text data up to September 2021.
  • It can generate human-like text based on the prompts (questions and information) you give it.
  • It’s particularly useful for content creation, brainstorming, and idea generation.
  • While powerful, you should view it as an assistant rather than a replacement for your expertise.

In addition to ChatGPT, I also use other AI tools like Midjourney for image generation and for transcription.

These tools are constantly evolving. This is the worst they’re ever going to be. That’s the incredible thing – they’re only going to get better from here.

2. ChatGPT’s Capabilities and Limitations

In my experience, ChatGPT has a wide range of capabilities, but it’s crucial to understand its limitations to use it effectively.


  • Generating written content (blog posts, social media posts, emails, etc.)
  • Answering questions and providing explanations
  • Assisting with research and summarisation
  • Brainstorming ideas and creating outlines
  • Analysing text and providing insights


  • Knowledge cutoff: ChatGPT’s knowledge is currently based on data up to September 2021 (we expect that to change soon)
  • Potential for inaccuracies or “hallucinations”
  • Lack of real-time information or personal experiences
  • Inability to learn or retain information from conversations

A friend of mine refers to ChatGPT as “a very, very fast intern who is very good at what they do, but occasionally does acid.”

This is a super comparison as it highlights both the tool’s efficiency and its potential for errors.

3. Effective Prompt Engineering

One of the most important things I’ve learned about using ChatGPT is that the quality of its output largely depends on the quality of the prompts you provide.

In the computer world we’ve referred to this concept as “garbage in, garbage out” for many years!

Here are some tips I use for effective prompt engineering:

a. Be specific and provide context:
For example, I might say: “Act as a content strategy expert. Help me create a content plan for my blog and social media. First, ask me 10 questions to help you learn the details about my business that you need to create the strategy.”

b. Use two-part prompts for iterative improvement:
I often use prompts like this: “Give me a response in two parts. Part one of the response is an updated to-do list. Part two of the response will be another question to help us further update and refine the to-do list.”

c. Specify the desired output format:
I frequently ask ChatGPT to give me responses “in the form of a table” or “in the form of a CSV file.”

d. Instruct ChatGPT to act as a specific type of expert:
For example, “Act as a sales page expert” or “Act as a marketing copywriter.”

e. Provide information about your target audience:
I might say something like: “My target audience is typically busy expert-level professionals, aged 40-65 in B2B Consulting. They’re looking to expand their visibility and establish authority.”

f. Ask for specific writing styles or tones:
For instance: “Write in a direct, concise writing style, and use the following voice: conversational, it should convey a sense of openness from the author.”

You can always refine your prompt based on the initial output. I personally use an iterative approach, asking follow-up questions or requesting modifications to the initial output.

4. Content Creation with ChatGPT

I’ve found ChatGPT to be incredibly useful for various aspects of content creation. Here’s how I use it in my work:

a. Blog Post Creation:
When I’m writing a blog post, I often start by asking ChatGPT to generate an outline. For example:
“Create an outline for a blog post about [topic]. Include an introduction, 5-7 main points, and a conclusion.”

Once I have the outline, I might ask it to expand on specific points:
“Elaborate on point 3 from the outline. Provide 3-4 subpoints with brief explanations.”

For titles, I’ll often ask for multiple options:
“Generate 10 engaging titles for this blog post. Make them compelling and SEO-friendly.”

b. Social Media Content:
ChatGPT is brilliant for creating social media content. I particularly like using it for LinkedIn carousel posts:
“Create a 10-slide outline for a LinkedIn carousel post about [topic]. Each slide should have a headline and 2-3 bullet points.”

For captions, I might say:
“Write an engaging LinkedIn post caption about [topic]. Include a hook, 3-4 key points, and a strong call-to-action. Keep it under 200 words.”

c. Email Marketing:
When crafting emails, I often use ChatGPT for subject lines:
“Generate 15 subject lines for an email about [topic]. Make them compelling and under 50 characters.”

For the email body, I might ask:
“Write an email to my subscribers about [topic]. Include a personal anecdote, 3 main points, and a clear call-to-action. Keep the tone conversational and friendly.”

d. Video and Podcast Content:
ChatGPT is great for generating ideas for my podcasts:
“Give me 20 podcast episode ideas about [topic]. Include potential guest suggestions for each.”

For show notes, I’ll often feed it a transcript and say:
“Summarise this podcast transcript. Provide a brief overview, 5-7 key points discussed, and any resources mentioned.”

e. Sales and Marketing Materials:
When creating sales pages, I use ChatGPT to generate initial copy:
“Write a sales page for [product/service]. Include a compelling headline, 3-5 key benefits, social proof elements, and a strong call-to-action.”

For FAQs, I might ask:
“Generate 15 potential customer questions about [product/service], along with concise answers.”

f. SEO Content:
ChatGPT can be helpful for SEO tasks too. I often ask:
“Provide 20 long-tail keyword ideas related to [topic], suitable for an Irish/UK audience.”

Or for meta descriptions:
“Write 5 meta descriptions for a page about [topic]. Keep them under 155 characters and include the main keyword.”

Remember, while ChatGPT is incredibly helpful, it’s crucial to review and edit its output. I often discard about 95% of what it generates, but that remaining 5% is pure gold. It’s all about using it as a springboard for your own creativity and expertise.

5. Using ChatGPT for Business Strategy

Beyond content creation, I’ve found ChatGPT to be a valuable tool for various aspects of business strategy. Here’s how I use it:

a. Market Research:
When I’m conducting market research, I might ask ChatGPT:
“Generate 20 questions for a customer survey about [product/service]. Include a mix of multiple choice and open-ended questions.”

For competitor analysis:
“Provide a framework for analysing competitors in the [industry] space. Include key factors to consider and how to gather this information.”

b. Customer Personas:
To develop customer personas, I often start with:
“Create a detailed customer persona for a [type of business]. Include demographics, psychographics, goals, challenges, and preferred communication channels.”

Then I might follow up with:
“Based on this persona, suggest 5 content topics that would resonate with this audience.”

c. SWOT Analysis:
ChatGPT can be a great brainstorming partner for SWOT analyses:
“Guide me through a SWOT analysis for my [type of business]. Provide 5 probing questions for each category: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.”

d. Business Planning:
When working on business plans, I might ask:
“Outline the key sections of a business plan for a [type of business]. For each section, provide 3-5 questions I should answer.”

Or for financial projections:
“List 10 key financial metrics I should consider when creating projections for my [type of business]. Briefly explain why each is important.”

e. Problem Solving:
ChatGPT can be brilliant for brainstorming solutions:
“I’m facing [specific business challenge]. Suggest 10 potential solutions, ranging from conventional to out-of-the-box ideas.”

Remember, while ChatGPT can provide valuable insights and ideas, it’s crucial to apply your own expertise and judgement, especially for critical business decisions.

6. Integrating ChatGPT with Other Tools

To maximise efficiency, I often integrate ChatGPT with other tools in my workflow. Here are some of my favourite combinations:

a. ChatGPT + Canva:
I use this combo for creating social media content. Here’s my process:
1. Use ChatGPT to generate content for a carousel post
2. Ask ChatGPT to format the output as a CSV file
3. Import the CSV into Canva’s bulk creation tool
4. Quickly create multiple slide designs in Canva

b. ChatGPT +
This is my go-to for repurposing podcast content:
1. Use to transcribe my podcast episodes
2. Copy the transcript into ChatGPT
3. Ask ChatGPT to summarise the key points and suggest social media posts

c. ChatGPT + Spreadsheet Software:
I often use this for data analysis:
1. Ask ChatGPT to generate data in CSV format
2. Import the CSV into my spreadsheet software
3. Use the spreadsheet for further analysis or visualisation

d. ChatGPT + PDF Reader Plugin:
This is great for analysing lengthy documents:
1. Upload a PDF using the PDF reader plugin
2. Ask ChatGPT to summarise the key points or extract specific information

e. ChatGPT + Link Reader Plugin:
I use this for quick website analysis:
1. Use the link reader plugin to input a webpage URL
2. Ask ChatGPT to analyse the content and suggest improvements

By combining ChatGPT with these tools, I’ve created efficient workflows that save me hours of work each week.

7. Advanced Techniques and Tips

Over time, I’ve developed some advanced techniques that really enhance the value I get from ChatGPT. Here are my top tips:

a. Two-Part Prompts:
I often use two-part prompts for iterative improvement. Here’s an example I use for productivity:
“Act as an organisational productivity expert. Ask me questions to help me create my to-do list. Give me a response in two parts. Part one of the response is an updated to-do list. Part two of the response will be another question to help us further update and refine the to-do list.”

This technique allows for a more dynamic, conversational interaction with ChatGPT, often yielding better results.

b. Analysing Writing Styles:
To maintain consistency in my content, I sometimes ask ChatGPT to analyse my writing style:
“Analyse the writing style of the following blog post [insert blog post]. Then, write a new post about [topic] in the same style.”

This helps ensure that AI-generated content matches my voice and tone.

c. Creating Content Carousels:
I’ve developed a workflow for creating LinkedIn carousels:
1. Ask ChatGPT to create a 10-slide outline for a carousel
2. Request the output in CSV format
3. Import the CSV into Canva’s bulk creation tool
4. Design the carousel in Canva

This process significantly speeds up my content creation for LinkedIn.

d. Improving Existing Content:
I often use ChatGPT to enhance my existing content:
“Review this sales page [insert content]. Suggest five specific improvements to increase conversions, providing examples for each suggestion.”

e. Using ChatGPT for Ideation:
When I’m stuck for ideas, I use ChatGPT as a brainstorming partner:
“Generate 50 blog post ideas for my authority-building website. Focus on topics related to content marketing, podcasting, and building a personal brand.”

I then refine these ideas based on my expertise and audience knowledge.

f. Simplifying Complex Topics:
When I need to explain complex topics to my audience, I often ask ChatGPT:
“Explain [complex topic] as you would to a 15-year-old. Use simple language and relevant analogies.”

This helps me create more accessible content for my audience.

g. Creating Detailed Content Briefs:
When working with writers or creating content myself, I use ChatGPT to create comprehensive briefs:
“Create a detailed content brief for a 2000-word article about [topic]. Include target audience, main points to cover, suggested headings, and key takeaways.”

h. Repurposing Content:
I frequently use ChatGPT to help me repurpose content across different platforms:
“Take this blog post [insert post] and repurpose it into: 1) A Twitter thread, 2) A LinkedIn article, 3) An email newsletter. Adapt the tone and format for each platform.”

Remember, these advanced techniques often require experimentation and refinement. Don’t be afraid to iterate and adjust your prompts until you get the results you’re after.

8. Ethical Considerations and Best Practices

As we embrace the power of AI tools like ChatGPT, it’s crucial to use them responsibly. Here are the ethical considerations and best practices I always keep in mind:

a. Fact-checking is Non-negotiable:
Always verify any factual information provided by ChatGPT. I treat it as a starting point, not a definitive source. For instance, if I’m writing about industry statistics, I always cross-reference with reliable sources.

b. Transparency about AI Usage:
When I use AI-generated content in my professional work, I’m upfront about it. This maintains trust with my audience and clients. For example, if I use ChatGPT to help draft a client proposal, I might mention, “This proposal was drafted with AI assistance and thoroughly reviewed and customised by our team.”

c. Respect Intellectual Property:
I’m careful not to use ChatGPT to reproduce or closely paraphrase copyrighted material. When I’m unsure, I err on the side of caution and create original content.

d. Add Human Value:
I always view ChatGPT as a tool to enhance my work, not replace my expertise. After getting output from ChatGPT, I ask myself, “How can I add unique value to this based on my experience and knowledge?”

e. Be Mindful of Biases:
AI can perpetuate biases present in its training data. I’m always on the lookout for biased language or perspectives in the output and correct as necessary.

f. Protect Personal Information:
I never input sensitive personal information about myself or others into ChatGPT. For instance, when creating customer personas, I use fictional details.

g. Use Appropriate Writing Levels:
I typically aim for a writing level suitable for 14-16 year olds in my web content. This ensures clarity and accessibility for a wide audience. I often ask ChatGPT to “Rewrite this content for a 14-16 year old reading level” to achieve this.

h. Iterative Improvement:
I rarely use ChatGPT’s first output as-is. Instead, I refine and improve through follow-up prompts. For example, after getting an initial draft, I might ask, “Can you make this more concise?” or “Can you add more specific examples?”

i. Combine AI with Human Creativity:
While I use ChatGPT to overcome writer’s block or generate initial ideas, I always rely on human creativity for the final product. The AI output is a starting point, not the finished article.

j. Regular Review of AI Policies:
As AI technology evolves rapidly, I make it a point to regularly review the policies and guidelines of the AI tools I use. This ensures I’m always using them in line with the latest ethical standards and best practices.

By adhering to these guidelines, I ensure that my use of ChatGPT and other AI tools remains ethical, effective, and aligned with my professional standards.

The key to successfully using AI tools like ChatGPT is to view them as powerful assistants that augment your skills and expertise, not as replacements for human creativity and judgement.

With practice and adherence to these principles, you’ll find that AI can significantly enhance your content creation and business strategies.

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– Alastair.