4: AI Disruption: Redefining the Concept of Being an “Author”

Are you worried that AI might be stealing the spotlight from genuine thought leaders? In this captivating episode of The AI-Powered Business Leader, host Alastair McDermott sits down with Jonathan Stark, a renowned business coach and pricing expert, to explore the controversial intersection of AI and thought leadership.

Jonathan shares his refreshing perspective on using AI tools in business, challenging the notion that AI-assisted content creation diminishes authenticity. He argues that the value of ideas trumps their origin, drawing parallels to the longstanding practice of ghostwriting in various industries.

Some of the valuable topics discussed include:

  • The ethical implications of using AI in thought leadership
  • How AI is redefining the concept of authorship
  • Practical ways to leverage AI in daily business operations
  • The future of books and content creation in an AI-driven world

Tune in to this thought-provoking episode and discover why embracing AI might be the key to staying ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of thought leadership and content creation.

Topic: ai in thought leadership, ethical use of ai, content creation, authorship, business coaching, ai tools, future of publishing, ai adoption

Speakers: Guest: Jonathan Stark. Host: Alastair McDermott.

Key Insights:

  • AI is a tool that can enhance thought leadership, not replace it
  • The value of content lies in its impact, not its method of creation
  • AI can be effectively used for tasks like data transformation, summarization, and ideation
  • Live speaking events may become the new pinnacle of thought leadership as AI advances
  • AI adoption is comparable to the mobile revolution in terms of potential impact
  • Ignoring AI due to fatigue or skepticism could be a significant business mistake


  • For: Using AI in content creation is ethical if it produces valuable, helpful content
  • For: AI-assisted content creation doesn’t diminish authenticity if the ideas are genuinely from the thought leader
  • Against: Some argue that using AI for brainstorming or ideation is unethical
  • For: AI tools can significantly improve productivity and quality in various business tasks
  • Against: Concerns about AI-generated content flooding platforms like Amazon


  • AI is a powerful tool that thought leaders should embrace rather than fear
  • The concept of authorship may evolve, but the value of good ideas remains constant
  • Live, in-person events may become more valuable as AI becomes more prevalent in content creation
  • Businesses and thought leaders should focus on using AI for tasks where they can verify the output’s accuracy
  • Ignoring AI due to fatigue or skepticism could lead to falling behind in a rapidly evolving technological landscape

Quotes: “If the ideas are good, and they’re novel, and they’re opening people’s eyes, I kind of don’t care who did it or got credit for it.” – Jonathan Stark, 14:52, The AI-Powered Business Leader

“Progress. I don’t know, I just don’t have sympathy for the argument. It’s like, stay ahead, like, do the stuff that computers can’t do yet.” – Jonathan Stark, 23:30, The AI-Powered Business Leader

“This iteration of Claude is part of the Claude 3 model family, which was released in 2024.” – Alastair McDermott, 0:00, The AI-Powered Business Leader

“I think that for right now, whilst being on video, like this is very difficult for it to replicate right now. I think that the live in person event is going to be very, very difficult.” – Alastair McDermott, 25:42, The AI-Powered Business Leader

+📺 SHOW: The AI-Powered Business Leader cuts through the hype to deliver practical AI solutions for real business challenges. Hosted by Alastair McDermott, this podcast is designed for business leaders who want to harness the power of AI to drive success and innovation in their companies.
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Expert Authority Builder Series:
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Picture of Alastair

This article was written by Alastair McDermott.