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Why You Need an AI Policy

Why Your Organisation Needs an AI Policy (and What to Include)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing how we work. It’s not just for tech companies anymore. If you’re using AI tools, you need an AI policy. Let’s examine why it’s important and what you should include.

Why Do You Need an AI Policy?

  • It sets clear guidelines for everyone in your organisation.
  • It helps you use AI ethically and responsibly.
  • It protects your organisation from risks.
  • It shows your commitment to responsible AI use to your customers and partners.

Key Elements of an AI Policy

1. Core Principles

Start with your guiding principles. These should reflect your organisation’s values. They might include:

  • Ethical use of AI
  • Transparency in AI decision-making
  • Fairness and non-discrimination
  • Privacy protection
  • Human oversight

2. Data Privacy and Security

AI runs on data. Your policy should address:

  • How you collect data
  • How you protect it
  • How long you keep it
  • Who can access it

Don’t forget about user rights. People should be able to access their data and understand how you’re using it.

3. Approved Tools and Processes

List the AI tools your team can use. Explain how new tools get approved. This helps prevent the use of unsafe or unapproved AI applications.

4. Training and Compliance

Everyone using AI should understand your policy. Include regular training in your plan. Explain what happens if someone doesn’t follow the rules.

5. Integration with Other Policies

Your AI policy doesn’t exist in isolation. Show how it fits with your other policies, like data governance or procurement.

6. Review and Update Process

AI changes quickly. Your policy needs to keep up. Set a schedule for reviewing and updating it.

How to Create Your AI Policy

  • Get leadership involved. They need to support and champion the policy.
  • Involve different departments. IT, legal, HR, and operations all have valuable input.
  • Make it clear and accessible. Everyone should be able to understand it.
  • Be specific, but flexible. Your policy should give clear guidance but allow for innovation.

Next Steps – Download Free Policy Template

Creating an AI policy might seem daunting, but it’s crucial. Start with the basics and build from there. Here’s a starting point – feel free to download and adapt this template.



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