AI Blog

AI Essentials

Starting Small with AI

Here’s a simple way to think about how you can use large language models like ChatGPT, Claude, Copilot and Gemini in your business. This guide

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Wide shot of a Confused Robot in a cluttered computer lab
AI Essentials

AI is Totally Overrated!?

I understand when someone says “AI is totally overrated”. They are fundamentally mistaken. But I understand why they say it. It’s very easy to try

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Robot hand automating keyboard input
AI Strategy

Automating the Mundane

In my last article, I talked about why we should take a human-first approach to AI in the workplace. Now, let’s look at how we

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People eating at picnic tables (photo: david todd mccarty used with permissiong)
AI Strategy

Human First

AI Will Replace Us All. Game Over? But what if AI could make our jobs and businesses better instead? AI is as disruptive a technology

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Computer code background image
AI Essentials

Get the Most Out of ChatGPT

Ever feel like you’re not getting the most out of your AI conversations? You’re not alone! Terms like zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot might sound technical,

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Background image - bright geometric symbols on dark background
AI Essentials

Dealing with AI Errors

When you’re using an AI chatbot, have you ever felt like you’re talking to a genius one minute, and to a complete idiot the next?

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AI Strategy

Key Insights on AI and Business

I’ve had deep discussions with top experts in business and AI, talking about the future of work, leadership, and innovation on “The AI-Powered Business Leader”

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AI Essentials

LLMs and Reasoning

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 are not great with reasoning. In fact they often get very simple puzzles wrong. Let’s dive into why this

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Training workshop
AI Essentials

Real World AI Use Cases

30 AI Use Cases for Small Businesses As a small business leader, you might be wondering how AI can benefit your company. Here’s a practical

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AI Essentials

How to Implement AI?

How Will AI Transform Your Business Roles in the Next 12-18 Months? Are you worried about how AI might impact your team and their jobs?

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